Sunday, July 29, 2007

Opera House Night #1

Last night I attended my first show at the Sydney Opera House with 9 friends. We attended the 75 minute production of "Major Bang Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Dirty Bomb". Now let me tell you, I was throughly disappointed, not in the play itself which I thought was amusing although it didn't have a point to it, but rather in the Opera House itself. Luck have it, we chose to attend a play that was being show in the smallest theatre in the entire building. This place might have had room for 300 people and there were probably 150 there, not to mention the interior of the theatre was very bland. I think my high school auditorium is nicer. Although the play only had 2 actors, they did a good job of playing all the different parts. We already decided that we will have to return to see a production in the Concert Hall so we can get the complete experience of the building.
Afterwards, we went to grab some dinner at this surprisingly nice restaurant that is open 24 hours -- Since the play didn't end until 10:30 we needed a place like this. We all figured that we were getting used to Australia when we started to think that the prices weren't too bad, even with it costing $2.30 to add cheese to a burger that already cost $16. But along with a beer for $6.50, the bill wasn't too bad and tip/tax are already included in the price in the menu so you know exactly what you have to pay. With such a big dinner, we all decided to come back to campus without hitting up the bars. It was already 12 by that time so we would have had to leave a bar around 2 to catch the last bus home. Just didn't seem worth it and we were all tired. Good night none the less.
Today I did absolutely nothing other that sit around and take a 4 hour nap this afternoon. First Australian class in 13 hours......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cook in. Don't drink.
Save money.