Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Well, almost made it through my first week of class. Only have one more 3 hour lecture tomorrow -- Hopefully after tomorrow the professor will allow me to come to the class that meets today so that I won't have to have class on Friday, or at least she will let me come on Thursdays when I have something planned for the weekend. The classes don't seem like they will be too bad except for the one that I have today might be the hardest since it is a 300 lever course but I will make i, hopefully. The first class that I attended was History and I couldn't believe that I was in a class with 200 students. Something that I am not used to at all and don't really seem to like but hopefully the tutorial will be better. But then on Tuesday, I went to OB where there was close to 400 students in the class. WOW. But it calmed down yesterday with a little under 50 in my Econ class. Seems like the higher the level, the lower the number of students. Another thing that I can't believe is that students just walk in 30 minutes late like it is nothing and even get up 30 minutes early and walk out. One person left a 2 hour lecture with 50 minutes remaining. And they record all lectures and put them on the web for download so it seems as if they encourage you not to go to class?
Here is my schedule:
10-11: World History since 1945
12-1: History (Tutorial)
1-2: OB (Tutorial)
4-6: Organisational Behaviour

1-2: World History Since 1945

3-5: Labour Economics
5-6: Economics (Tutorial)

12-3: Cross Cultural Management

Tutorials are just smaller class sizes to ask questions and do presentations.

**I was able to make the change into the Thursday class so now I don't have class Fridays.

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