Friday, July 27, 2007

First Night in Sydney

Well, I finally made it down to Sydney for the first time since I have been here. As expected, it was a great time to see how people live around here. There was Rugby on every TV and no one that I was with really understood it at all but being such a big sport here, I figure I will eventually learn. The community where I am staying offered a deal where they would take us downtown at 8 and bring us back at 2 for only $5. This is a good deal for the 30 minute ride considering it is about $6 each way if you take the public bus. We moved from Pub to Pub attempting to find the best deals on drinks. That really worked out well since each place that we went a beer was $6 and going for mixed drinks was crazy. It was $10 for a vodka and Red Bull and $20 for a double shot although the sign said cocktails were only $5, we just couldn't figure out which one was so cheap (I think it was Sex on the Beach). Might have been worth it but, come on, what guy is going to drink that? We moved on to an Irish Pub which had some great throwback music playing, I mean Spice Girls was blasting when we walked in. I liked this place because you could get a liter for $18 but for some reason they were not selling them so I had to settle for a half-liter @ $9.50. Doesn't seem like a good deal to me. I think that we found the best deal on Beer at what we believed to be a gay bar but nothing to back that up with. For $5, we got a beer that supposedly that was equal to 2 beers so that was a good find.
Finally around 1, we decided to go hunt for some food to top off the night. After walking 5 blocks we found a McDonald's. Now for expenses, the 10 piece nugget meal at home is about $5.50 but not hear, it is going to cost you $7. Oh, and did I mention that you only get 6 nuggets? So we all settled for the Quarter Pounder mean that was also $7, but it tasted like home. (Is that even a good thing? Still not healthy.)
Yesterday (Friday), I spent the early afternoon getting approved for classes that I want to take. I finally decided that I will be taking Organizational Beahviour (Australians spell weird), Labour Economics, Cross Cultural Management, and World History since 1945 - An Australian Perspective. So I have 2-100 level classes, 1-200, and 1-300 meaning if I decided to drop one, you can say bye-bye to Cross Cultural Management -- although this might be needed since I decided to double major and add Business Administration with a Management Concentration to my Accounting Major. All this work better be worth it!
Don't think much else has happened. Start classes on Monday -- Whooo!!

Peace Out.

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