Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Not much has been going on here lately. On Saturday night I went to an Australian Football League game which is Aussie Rules football. I actually really liked this game once I understood what was going on. It is fast paced and I am surprised that this isn't in the US yet. This game was played at the old Olympic Stadium and the Sydney Swans ended up winning the game with 100,000+ people there watching. Pretty cool to see all the old Olympic venues there together.
Just this evening, some friends and I decided to plan a trip to Fiji for the end of the month. The original plan was to go from Thursday to Monday but that ended up changing going from early Thursday morning and not getting back until late Wednesday night...who would have thought? But it ended up actually being cheaper to stay longer because the cost of the flight dropped $200 and the cost of the room only increased around $100 total per person so it was a plus. We are trying to get as many people as possible to go so we can get a 2 or 3 bedroom suite.
As far as school, I had a presentation yesterday that I think went pretty well and have another one tomorrow that hopefully goes well, but we spent most of the time today planning the trip instead of working on the actual presentation. It will all be good. As my uncle says, "life is more important than school" and this is going to be a great experience.

Tis all.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Have you been to Fiji, yet? I want a postcard.