Sunday, August 5, 2007

Weekend Recap

Not much really happened this weekend. Wednesday night I went out to a bar known as The Ranch. It is about a 25 minute walk but the provide a free shuttle so we always take advantage of that. Thursday I did absolutely nada. Just stayed in and took it easy. There is always a huge party at the bar on campus but I have yet to make it to any of them.
Friday I went to a class that I now have on Thursdays but I believe that I will keep attending the later class because it only have around 20 people in it compared to the Thursday class which has 60 or so. Friday night just hung around the apartments and waited on girls from Melbourne to come down and visit for the weekend. They finally got here around 11 and we just hung out and drank.
Saturday had about as much production as Thursday, but I did get my laundry done! Saturday night we celebrated a girls 20th birthday ending up downtown. The highlight of the night was eating a chicken wrap thing. They sheared the chicken off this big log and wrapped it with lettuce, grilled onion, tomatoes, and BBQ sauce. Simple AMAZING, although probably not healthy.
Sunday finally showed up at the ripe hour of 9:30 so working on 6 hours of sleep I managed to make it to the mall for lunch and ended up watching the Simpsons Movie. It was alright, but not really the greatest thing that others are making it out to be. I would give it 3 stars or so, but I would give the movie theater 5 Stars easy. This place was amazing. Had nice, wide comfortable seats with a high backrest and plenty of leg room but it was the first time that I have ever been assigned my seat at a movie. And just for good measure, if you wanted to make an event out of it, they had a cocktail lounge where you could order some food or if you felt the need to be drinking while seeing the movie, go ahead, there is a full bar. Now it is Sunday night and I am attempting to read some of my assignments. I'm on Page 8 and I need to get to Page 17. We shall see. It will be an early night for me.
I decided to attend the Global Leadership Symposium in Canberra for 4 days (Aug. 16-19) and still haven't really decided on Spring break yet. There is a chance for a 9 night cruise but I'm not really interested in the places where is stops (haven't heard of most of them) and there is a chance to go on a 17 east coast adventure which includes White Water Rafting, Sky Diving over the Great Barrier Reef, Diving the Reef, a Jungle Swing, Maxi Yacht Sailing, 4WD Fraser Island Safari, River Kayaking along with other events. Seems like it would be the best buy for my money.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More study; less party.